Friday, 16 November 2018

Border Crossing at Bukit Kayu Hitam Malaysia to Sadao Thailand with a Malaysian Registered Motorbike

As one approaches the border Bukit Kayu Hitam on the main highway road, all along the left hand side was restaurants with service provided to get all the necessary forms for entering Thailand with a vehicle. 

Signs for Restaurants with Border Paperwork Services 
I stop at a random one and after asking the price for the vehicle insurance, TM2 forms and arrival card, I was more or less ready to get it done only to be paused when I asked about the third party insurance in Thailand.

You see, the mandatory insurance into Thailand only covers personal injury and any repairs to third party or your own vehicle will have to come from your self. Even then the personal injury is also a very small sum but that makes sense since medical is pretty cheap in Thailand with all the subsidy. 

Crossing Border Services Just before Bukit Kayu Hitam Border 

Ok so back to topic .... the first counter says its about RM300 ++ but she does not know how to do the procedure for the third party insurance hence wont sell it to me. The guy who knows how to do it is somewhere and somewhere .... the lack of understanding at borders seamed to tick me off for the service provided by these people at crossing borders has the assumption that everyone that crosses the border has the same f*cking circumstances and purpose.

Onward to the second stop that supposedly provide border paperwork services and the answer was the same ....

I decided to go for a U-Turn and get petrol filled up first to the brimmed before entering Thailand ... Petrol in Malaysia is subsidized after all ... at Shell I also bought a bottle of engine oil ... just in case ... I was due an oil change soon at 600 km left anyway

Back to hunting for border paperwork services and I decided to forgo the third party insurance ... does not really help in my mind anyway since if I do get into an accident the immediate and troublesome procedure of getting insurance paid in Thailand would probably be mind boggling and chances are that I would have miss some unknown requirement or documentation or steps ( such as making claims direct instead of paying first or method of declaring/claiming ) .... thinking in this manner, I decided not to waste money on third party and just get the mandatory one instead ...

The minimum of 9 days was RM 18 .... and the more days you buy the cheaper it gets relatively ... hence I got the 1 year Thailand vehicle insurance for RM60 ... this is for bikes below 125cc ... yep it was dirt cheap in my mind and since I’ll be skirting between Cambodia, Thailand, Laos, Thailand ... I’ll definitely use more than three months of insurance ... 3 months cost about RM 38 ...

So heading back to the border I stopped at the first border paperwork service restaurant on the left ... and these guys really gave me a headache ... TM2 Inbound form was filled up wrongly ... no need to fill up exit location the guy said ... its ok ... yea its ok because it will be auto assumed all Malaysian entering Thailand will exit back into Malaysia ... going out from the north border is a totally different story ...

TM2 Outbound form .... this one no need .... f*cking idiots ... so I now understand that the service provided for border paperwork in nearby border town is not to be trusted because if you are not part of the normality crossing a local border, people are bound to assume you are part of the normality and give you wrong information, wrong documentation, wrong advise and wrong assurance and eventually f*ck you up in the future when you attempt to leave the country ...

TM7 white card ... My name was written wrongly ....

Its ok .. you can use liquid paper the guy said ... and proceed to liquid and hand write the changed name ... but on the other side was still wrong name ....

I was paying for all this paperwork, (RM1 for each form) and holding official documents with white outs does not seam a good idea to me since I will be going out towards Cambodia ... they may think that it was me who change stuff after entering Thailand and not the immigration officer at the south allowing sloppy work to enter Thailand ...

Luckily I did all my paranoid reading online with all kinds of forum ... if I were to take the expert border people advise on all this ... I would have been screwed without even knowing it ... they probably screw people without even knowing it ... idiots ...

Basic Vehicle Insurance was the only thing straightforward and they got it right ...

They even returned another persons passport to me ... seriously .... * facepalm *

My advice, buy the form from them if you don't have it ready ... and fill up your self hand written ... type written TM7 form or TM2 & TM3 is not really necessary ...

Time to hit the Border ..

Going out of Malaysia border was easy ... no traffic on a Monday low season non school holiday ... the border was in a semi construction stage so part of it was open and the other part was under construction.

Rode up the window, hand over passport and surprisingly I got a stamped out ... sure is rare since normally only a scan out for Malaysia in Airports and Singapore ... so the last land border is of course Thailand. 

Bukit Kayu Hitam Immigration Checkpoint - Upgrading in Progress 

Ride up towards the Thailand immigration side and I followed all the bikes which seams to never stop ... before I know it I saw customs ... f*ck ... I overshoot immigration and the bikes I was following never stopped even at customs and continued on towards Sadao. 

Made my way back, parked my bike and try to walk back-works did not work either for the pedestrian counter was only for passengers, the rider or driver had to go through the booth ...

Ride counter flow and back to the queue and now it was immigration for Thailand 

Sadao Immigration Checkpoint 
Handed over my passport with both TM2 inbound and outbound and I kept asking the officer in Engish ..

Exit Cambodia ok ?

Exit Cambodia ok ??

Not a word was said ... stamp stamp and handed me back the passport and TM2 outbound form which was stamped as well

Customs ... went up and pass the original VOC and passport ( since it was under my name it was fairly easy ) ... same thing and I kept asking to the clerk

Exit Cambodia OK ?

What Colour is your Motorcycle ?

Blue. Exit Cambodia OK ?

One Month ?

Yes Please ... Exit Cambodia OK ?

She pass me back the Temporary Import Permit papers for the bike and usher me down the isle to the officer .... I was told to sign where required and the officer took the form to place a few more stamps around the document ...

I exit Cambodia ok ??

You Exit Cambodia ???

Yes ..

Motorcycle ??? ( A single raised eyebrow was given to me )

Can ?

Ok No problem ....

Temporary Import Permit (TIP) in hand ... and nothing that says clearly that I could or could not exit anywhere in Thailand other than I’ll be fined a heavy sum if I do not exit Bluey in 30 days ...

A big Grin on my face ... knowing that this was the actual start of the long Haul adventure ... and to celebrate my good start of the journey entering Thailand without a hitch ... heavy rain decided to start pouring ... no chance in taking shelter at the border .... I rode in the rain aiming for Hat Yai

Traveled on : October 2018 
#bordercrossing #Sadao #bukitkayuhitam

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