Friday 10 May 2024

To Hanoi & Renting a Bike for a Vietnam Adventure

From Mong Cai I took the bus to Hanoi which unexpectedly was a sleeper bus. It cost me RMB120, I decided to pay in RMB since I did not have enaugh Vietnamese dong and did not want to use up any of the emergency USD at this point. 

I got the whole sleeper bunk to myself but looking across, apparently the sleeper bunk is meant for two people. 5 hours journey from Mong Cai to Hanoi and I mostly slept all the way due to the crazy drivers that rock the bus like a boat making me feel naucious the whole journey.

Sleeper Bus from Mong Cai to Hanoi 

Bus arrived in Hanoi and it was as usual ... far far away from any downtown walkable service. The bus did not even stopped at a proper bus stop but some out district at the backstreet. Luckily once at the proximity of Hanoi, I started checking prices on Grab and so long the bus inches closer towards Hanoi Old town, I did not really care so long as it goes inwards.

Old Quarter Hanoi

Old Quarter Hanoi 

Far Far away from downtown but not far enaugh that a Taxi would be a pain. Checking Grab, I had a motortaxi or taxi option. Knowing Old Town Hanoi is a big sprawling ant maze that cars going in would probably be a nightmare, I choose the cheapest and also most fun option, Mototaxi. Price was roughly USD 2 for the 9km ride.

It was definately a fun option and in rush hour too. While I wanted to whip out my phone and do some live recording, I kept my hand firmly on the balancer grip and just have to enjoy the ride. Old quarter dont seam to change much, looking the same as I remember it back in 2016 when I took mom and dad for a vacation.

Having arrive around evening in the hostel I could not wait much longer and dumping bags, I made my way to Styles Motorbike shop to enquire for bike rental. I did my homework mostly online while in China and was more or less set with one of the Big Names for rental agency in Vietnam.

Styles was more or less strightforward and after talking to the guys a bit on bike type and rules and regulation concerning rental and price process, it was decision time. In short, I confirmed the Suzuki GD 110 which would be rented for one month (30) days for the price of USD 250 with add on of damage waiver USD 35 and refundable deposit of USD 500.

I paid the USD 500 deposit immediately but considered paying the rest the next day in Vietnamese Dong so I could hold on to the balance dollar. That was the mistake. Rental bike booked, it was time for dinner but I took a walk ,,,, a long walk that subconciously I knew I was on my way to the Casino.

A Little Walk Around Hanoi 

A Little Walk Around Hanoi

Hanoi Train Market 

I should have had Dinner first, or buy a sim card or get a massage, but I went to the casino first. Played mostly Video Blackjack but that night from 6pm to 11pm I lost a total of USD 400 but at least I got free dinner, a few beers, tea, Ciggy, lighter and fruits for free .... sorry USD 400.

First Night in Hanoi and I feel that the bike became so expensive in rental.

The next day in Hanoi was spend mostly on chores.

1. Find ATM with minimal fees to withdraw money
2. Pay Bike Rental ( The day before was only the deposit)
3. Buy a Luggage Rain Cover
4. Buy Sim Card
5. Track down that rare Tobacco Shop and stock up.
6. Bought Gloves for Riding
7. Get a massage to decompress.

It as an expensive day for sure and a hit to the wallet. Still that helped me punch my self to the gut and prevented a second night attempt at the casino. Somehow manage to protect the USD 140 I had left.

My Ride for Vietnam - Suzuki GD 110 aka Zuki

Off to a Good Start 

The third day morning in Hanoi I picked up the bike. Suzuki GD110 BLACK. Almost named the bike blacki but change it to Zuki. Zuki would be my companion for the month in Vietnam. It was time to ride and after much contemplation on the routes to take base on advise from Styles owner the day before, I decided to punch the overdrive and do the long loop trying to see as many things as possible.

Traveled on: Dec 2023

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