Wednesday 26 June 2024

Border Crossing Visa Run at Cua Khau Quoc Te Bo Y(Vietnam) to Phou Keua Border (Laos)

Plei Can for the night at a very lovely hotel for VND 250,000 which is actually for two people but once again I paid for one. This is where solo traveling cost more than a couple, the inability to share accomodation. Then again everything else seams to be cheaper solo.

Cua Khau Quoc Te Bo Y (Vietnam) Border Post

The next morning I did the planned Border run to Laos. Base on the advise given, this border was the friendly one and less busy so although I was still a bit early having another 10 days before my visa expiry, I thought why not and went for it.

Ride the bike about 2km to the border then parked the bike near a food stall and walked over to the border. I took all my bags with me not willing to take the risk of being stuck without my stuff. If I got stuck at the Laos side, the only thing I would lose would the USD 500 deposit for the bike rental.

Initially I wanted to enquire the officers if the U-turn run was ok before proceding but the lack of english spoken became a deterant. Stamp out of Vietnam and begin a 1km walk over to the Laos border. 

Selfie at Border Marker between Laos & Vietnam

At the border was a group of Thai plate bikes doing a tour of Laos and Vietnam. Could not get much infomation out of them but bassicly they had a guide for Vietnam costing them THB 38,000 for 10 days which includes bike service, hotel and food

Thai Biker Gang Crossing from Vietnam to Laos 

Laos Phou Keua Border Immigration Post

Stamp into Laos and the Immigration Officer asked me where I was headed.

Where you go

I go back .... * points back to Vietnam *

Not much was ask after and he just stamped me in. Went around the building and this time stamped out of Laos and slowly make my walk back to Vietnam.

At Vietnam side of the border, the officer seamed to have a grumpy face. No one in line and he had to on the computer, pretend to dust off some book ledger and finally took my passport for processing. 

Halfway through the slow tinkering with the computer, the officer took out his wallet and looked me in the eye with a dead serius face. He took out VND 50,000 note from his wallet to show me and I got the hint right away.

I slide a VND 50,000 though the counter window which he pocketed and finally gave me a big smile. After that the computer seams to have speed up and very fast my passport was stamped in. Welcome to Vietnam .... again.

Back to Vietnam at Cua Khau Quoc Te Bo Y Immigration Post

Can you see Zuki ? 

I was not relax yet and the last part after exiting the immigration office was to see if the bike was still there. It was, so all was good and strapping back all my stuff onto the bike, It was time to ride.

Traveled on: Jan 2024

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