Friday 18 October 2024

Staying Still

Do you ever feel that moment sometimes when you sit down and do nothing, a glass of water on the table, mind empty and relax thinking of how to reorganize thoughts for things to be done next. 

That blank state for a brief moment where you dont know where to start and yet there is nothing in the thought process pipeline.

My mind was drifting everywhere after that brief moment, plans and route to budget and gadgets to banking apps to managing bills and any other infrastructure while on the road. 

I realized after awhile that all the required items that needed me to be physically here at home (Malaysia) was done and now it was just a matter of waiting for the right time to set off.

Push off too early and I would have to deal with timing the Visa carefully hopping through Thailand and Cambodia before entering Laos. Push off too late and it would be a rush to the border. 

Ideally I had to stay still for at least two more week before push off but staying still doing nothing is harder than one could imagine.

Most times people assume that during my travels, I am in a relax state doing nothing just enjoying the world. Reality is that while I am enjoying the world, doing nothing is rarely the case. 

Constant planning and revising the plan base on new information obtained from hostels, or locals or even passing travelers will constantly disturb and force me to re-evaluate the plans.

So staying still at home alone thinking of when would be the ideal time to set off took me a good long day. A whole day in fact while I go around cooking, packing and just plain scrolling Instagram. 

It hit me somewhere at 2am in the morning while I was watching some TV series. If there was nothing else to do, staying still at home and staying still on the road makes no difference.

Next morning I packed my bags at a leisurely pace, see the blue skies and decided it was a good day to start this journey.

Pushing off - Starting the Journey. 

Traveled on: Mar 2024

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