Friday 20 September 2024

My Partially Planned Journey with No Secure Route Home

This would be a first for me travelling with unfinnished planned route. I know route changed all the time but for me a rough route is usually done and then we fumble along the way enjoying the sponteneous travel but still within a guided mark post.

I have met some travellers along the years which boast the usual no plans just go with the flow vibe but talk a little longer the rough route plans are always there usually. 

It usually revolves around the passport Visa restriction such as duration and next country requirement. That's why when traveler tell me that they have no idea how long they will stay in a country, I usually call it bullshit.

Laem Son National Park - Thailand 

Apart from passport visa requirement, there was also the bike requirement this time round. I refused to get the expensive Carnet so more countries were crossed off the list. 

The tour to cross China from Laos to Kyrgyzstan was confirmed and that was the start of the journey. The issue was after Central Asia, what's next ?

It was too early to find a group going the opposite way from Central Asia to South East Asia, and then there was also the possibility of crossing into Europe and continuing on the journey but without knowing how to ship the bike back home as well.

The only sure thing I knew was that I had options this time round and a larger emergency budget to get home. My primary plan is to find a group later in the year to cross back from Central Asia through China to Laos. 

The secondary plan was to go over to Europe and later figure out how to ship the bike back to Malaysia. The third plan was to store the bike in Central Asia and backpack somewhere during winter and resume the ride the following year finding a way home.

One thing I knew for sure is that waiting for the whole plan to be full-proof before starting the journey was not going to happen. I hesitated last year and missed the season so this year the journey home would have to be figured out on the road.

Traveled on: Apr 2024

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