Friday 31 May 2024

Visiting Paradise Cave in Phong Nha

The ride from Tanh Churong tea fields to Phong Nha was uneventful and I reach Phong Nha late afternoon which was a luxury as most days I would arrive late in the evening not having much chance to explore the town. 

Countryside Feel from Tanh Churong to Phong Nha 

Countryside Ride from Tanh Churong to Phong Nha

Phong Nha Ke Bang

Checked in, got a shower and head back out to explore. Phong Nha was really small, one road kinda small and I could tell that this place would change and grow so fast that the next time I visit here would be a whole new township.

Phong Nha was famous for caves, a UNESCO heritage that started drawing tourist to come visit. The most famous caves was hard to get to and needed a guide with a costly price of USD 3000. 

It is said that the whole of manhatan city could fit into the caves including all its sky scrapers but at that price only the true enthuist would pay to huddle through the jungle for the experience.

Phong Nha 

Phong Nha

Still many tourist flock to Phong Nha with half the idea of a famous UNESCO heritage caves. Luckily there were also other caves around the region for exploring so most tourist would have the impression of having visited the famous Phong Nha Caves. 

Of all the caves, Paraside Cave was recently opened via road so I could just rock up on the bike and take a short solo hike to visit the caves without any guide. Entrance fee was VND250,000

Ride to Paradise Cave 

Entry to Paradise Cave though a staircase decent

Paradise Cave 

Paradise Cave 

Paradise Cave was massive and a good hour just walking around inside the cave. Unlike most caves that I have been to, this cave was supprisingly clean. No bat, no dark crawing insect dwelers and fully lighted up to show the majestic of the staletite and stalemite formations. 

Its one of the more impressive cave I had been too in south East Asia and I can imagine now why Phong Nha caves got a UNESCO heritage mark. If the leftover caves nearby like Paradise cave was already this impresive, the big one must be amazing.

I was running low on money at this point in Phong Nha and Paradise Cave was all I could afford at this time. Riding around Phong Nha town was pure serene beautiful landscape barely touched by mass tourism like other cities in Vietnam.

Riding around Phong Nha 

Riding Around Phong Nha

Traveled On : Dec 2023

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